Relational Therapy
Initial Session (90 minutes) - $250.00
Sessions (50 minutes) - $185.00
Double Sessions (100) - $370.00
Initial Session (90 minutes) - $250.00
Sessions (50 minutes) - $160.00
Individual Therapy
Sex Therapy
Initial Session (90 minutes) - $250.00
Individual Sessions (50 minutes) - $160.00
Relationship Sessions (50 minutes) - $185.00
Starting Private Practice Consultation
AAMFT Approved Supervisor Candidate
Individual Supervision (1 hour) - $75.00
Group Supervision (2 hours) - $150.00
Speaking Engagement
Rocky Mountain Center for Relationships and Sexual Intimacy is only in network with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois (BCBSIL), BCBSIL PPO, and BlueChoice for Individual Therapy. Relational Therapy is not covered by insurance.
We are considered an “Out-of-Network” provider with all other insurance plans. Upon request, we can provide receipts for Individual Therapy called “Superbills” for submission to your insurance carrier for possible reimbursement. Not all insurance plans cover services received from “Out-of-Network” providers, so we recommend you reach out to your insurance carrier to determine if there is coverage (see questions below for assistance in obtaining the information that would be helpful).
A “Superbill” is a receipt of payment for services that can be provided on the 10th of each month for the month prior. We recommend utilizing the Reimbursify App to ease the stress of submitting to your insurance carrier. Please note that we do not get any proceeds if you use Reimbursify App.
Here are some questions to ask your insurance carrier:
Does my health insurance plan cover mental health services?
Does my plan limit how many mental health sessions I can receive per calendar year?
Do I need written approval for mental health services to be covered?
Does my plan cover out-of-network providers?
Do I have an out-of-network deductible? If so, how much is it, and have I met it?
Forms of Payment
Payment is expected at the time of service. Payments will be made online using our HIPAA-compliant HR system, Sessions Health, and Stripe.
All major credit cards are accepted, including HSA.